Monday, September 30, 2019

How Did Hindenburg Undermine German Democracy in 1925-33? Essay

Paul von Hindenburg was the second president of the Weimar Republic, who had led Germany through economic prosperity of the Golden Age under Stresemann (1924-9), but also the series of severe crisis ranging from nationwide political revolts (1919-23) to worldwide economic depression (1929), that have influenced the Reichstag as a whole. For the first five years after taking office, Hindenburg fulfilled his duties of office with considerable dignity and decorum. Nevertheless, many claim that with the election of President Hindenburg, German democracy was doomed. There is a certain degree of truth in such statement, for Hindenburg had played a considerable role in undermining the German democracy in his later presidential years, through appointing Adolf Hitler (1933) chancellor of Germany in spite of his awareness of Hitlers dictatorial qualities, and invoking Article 48 under which the government no longer functioned democratically. Hindenburgs biggest mistake was to make Adolf Hitler chancellor of Germany in 1933, for this meant that an era of German elections and parliamentary life had come to an end, and an era of dictatorship and terror was soon to emerge. As the following evidence proves, Hindenburg was clearly aware that giving power to Hitler would be a vital step in the downfall of the Weimar Germany. In 1932, although the number of seats for the Nazis in Reichstag fell from 230 to 197 , it still remained to be the largest Party. Von Papen therefore offered to bring Hitler into his new government by giving him the Vice-Chancellorship. However, Hitler was not tempted and reiterated his desire for the Chancellorship, and would accept nothing less as his aim was complete power, not the sharing of power. When Von Papen put these demands to Hindenburg, and offered a way for Hitler as Chancellor, Hindenburg refused, and Papen, unable to command a majority in the Reichstag had to resign. In consequence, Hitler told Hindenburg he would form a presidential Cabinet, one whose powers would derive, not from the will or votes of parliament, but from the Presidency. Hindenburg could not accept these extraordinary terms and brought his negotiations with Hitler to an end, instructing his State Secretary to write to Hitler:The President of the Reich thanks you for your willingness to become head of a presidential Cabinet. He considers, however, that he would not be doing his duty to the German people if he handed over his Presidential powers to the leader of a  Party which has repeatedly emphasized its exclusiveness, and which has taken up a predominantly negative attitude. In these circumstances, the Present of the Reich cannot help fearing that a presidential Cabinet conducted by you would inevitably lead to a Party dictatorship, bringing in its train of bitter aggravation of the conflicts within the German peopleHindenburg thus turned to a former army officer, General von Schleicher and asked him to take over the Chancellorship. Some may argue that the reason for Hindenburgs dislike of Hitler was rather due to Hitlers personal backgrounds (he was Austrian). However, through Hitlers overly ambitious speeches and rebellious actions against the government shown in the prior years, (e.g. the Munich Beer Hall Pusch 1923) it is certain that Hindenburg was aware giving complete power to Hitler was not a clever idea, as it may inevitably lead to a Party dictatorship and a chaos within the nation. Nonetheless, he ended up giving power to the aggressive leader of the biggest Party of the Reich, undermining the German democracy. If it wasnt Hindenburg who in 1933 became convinced that there was no longer an alternative to Hitler and appointed him the Chancellor due to his advisers who without exception favored a government of national concentration under Hitlers leadership and the rumors that Schleicher was planning a putsch against Hindenburg, the vast human and ecological destruction of the twentieth century could have been avoided. Through Hindenburgs decision of appointing Hitler chancellor, Hitler came to power legally and headed his countrys government. In correspondence to Hindenburgs prediction, Hitler almost immediately forced the German legislature to give up its authority and made himself absolute dictator of Germany, taking the title of Fuhrer in 1934. Due to Hindenburgs decision and his failing attempt to make Hitler his puppet, the Third Reich lasted only 12 years and yet in those few years the history of Germany and the world changed under the influence of one man. Prior to Hitlers gain of power, Hindenburgs usage of Article 48 during his presidential years was also a significant factor which undermined German democracy. In 1930 Hindenburg appointed Bruning chancellor and agreed to sign presidential emergency decrees under Article 48 if the government faced opposition in the Reichstag. Therefore under Hindenburgs governing and Brunings chancellorship the government no longer functioned democratically  as Bruning relied on the presidents emergency powers to push through the legislation he desired. Article 48 gave the president special rights to issue emergency legislation, but the Reichstag could disapprove the presidents measure later. The president, in turn, could dissolve the Reichstag and call new elections. Thus, Hindenburgs policies were collapsing the German democracy as he represented an abuse of the constitutions emergency powers, which were initially meant to protect the democratic functioning of the constitution, not to disrupt it. Moreover, Hindenburgs failing energy and senility (he was 85 when he got reelected in 1932) made him an easy prey to his rightist advisors as he was heavily influenced by those who surrounded him and was open to their suggestions. Thus the extremist parties were profiting simultaneously from Hindenburgs ineffectiveness and the economic crisis which made enormous gains for the Nazis. After the Reichstag Fire in February 27 1933, Hindenburgs inability to lead the Weimar to the road of peace was proved as he was later agreeing to Hitlers demand of allowing him to use part of Article 48 which stripped people of their civil rights and allowed the police to make arrests without warrant, declaring a state of emergency. Hindenburg, though not fully trusting Hitler, nevertheless signed a Decree for the Protection of the People and the State taking away freedom of speech and assembly. His signature eventually undermined the Constitution and destroyed basic liberties. Hitler was able to take advantage of Hindenburgs senility and under Hindenburg, he and the Nazi Party could rise to full power. The unintentional methods of how Hindenburg undermined German democracy may vary. Among the few, two noteworthy reasons include Hindenburgs constant use of article 48 and his ineffective decision making skills which promoted Hitler as the chancellor of the Weimar Republic. However, it is inappropriate to hold him the most responsible character for the collapse of Weimar, for the constitutions downfall was due to numerous interwoven factors such as the instable social, economic and political aspects during the period 1929-33. Indeed, the tragic fate of German democracy cannot be attributed to any one major factor, because to single out any one factor ignores the complexity of the situation. Nonetheless the second president of the Weimar Republic, Paul Von Hindenburg, in spite of all the achievements  he had made in his early years, still remains to be regarded as an unimpressive leader who had given power to the brutal dictator—Adolf Hitler. The German democracy was thus doom ed with his decision, for Hitler neither took nor gained power through elections, but was given power by Hindenburg, a man with growing senility and disinterest in politics. History of the Twentieth Century, Martin Gilbert, p. 818A History of the Twentieth Century, Martin Gilbert, p. 818A History of the Twentieth Century, Martin Gilbert, p. 818A History of the Twentieth Century, Martin Gilbert, p. 819Germany A New History, Hagen Schulze, p. 243Exploring World History, John R. O Connor, p.556

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Reason for falling in Indian rupees Essay

Throughout the country please stop using cars except for emergency for only seven days (Just 7 days) Definitely Dollar rate will come down. This is true. The value to dollar is given by petrol only.This is called Derivative Trading. America has stopped valuing its Dollar with Gold 70 years ago. Americans understood that Petrol is equally valuable as Gold so they made Agreement with all the Middle East countries to sell petrol in Dollars only. That is why Americans print their Dollar as legal tender for debts. This mean if you don’t like their American Dollar and go to their Governor and ask for repayment in form of Gold,as in India they won’t give you Gold. You observe Indian Rupee, † I promise to pay the bearer†¦Ã¢â‚¬  is clearly printed along with the signature of Reserve Bank Governor. This mean, if you don’t like Indian Rupee and ask for repayment,Reserve Bank of India will pay you back an equal value of gold.(Actually there may be minor differences in the Transaction dealing rules, but for easy comprehension I am explaining this) Let us see an example. Indian petroleum minister goes to Middle East country to purchase petrol, the Middle East petrol bunk people will say that liter petrol is one Dollar. But Indians won’t have dollars. They have Indian Rupees. So what to do now? So That Indian Minister will ask America to give Dollars. American Federal Reserve will take a white paper , print Dollars on it and give it to the Indian Minister. Like this we get dollars , pay it to petrol bunks and buy petrol. But there is a fraud here. If you change your mind and want to give back the Dollars to America we can’t demand them to pay Gold in return for the Dollars. They will say † Have we promised to return something back to you? Haven’t you checked the Dollar ? We clearly printed on the Dollar that it is Debt† So, Americans don’t need any Gold with them to print Dollars. They will print Dollars on white papers as they like. But what will Americans give to the Middle East countries for selling petrol in Dollars only? Middle East kings pay rent to America for protecting their kings and heirs. Similarly they are still paying back the Debt to America for constructing Roads and Buildings in their countries. This is the value of American Dollar. That is why Many say some day the Dollar will be destroyed. At present the problem of India is the result of buying those American Dollars. American white papers are equal to Indian Gold. So if we reduce the consumption of petrol and cars, Dollar will come down The Above Details are translated originally from Telugu Language to English by Radhika Gr. Kindly share this and make everyone aware of the facts of American Dollar V/s Indian Rupee. And here is a small thing other than petrol , what we can do to our Indian Rupee YOU CAN MAKE A HUGE DIFFERENCE TO THE INDIAN ECONOMY BY FOLLOWING FEW SIMPLE STEPS:- Please spare a couple of minutes here for the sake of India. Here’s a small example:- At 2008 August month 1 US $ = INR Rs 39.40 At 2013 August now 1 $ = INR Rs 62 Do you think US Economy is booming? No, but Indian Economy is Going Down. Our economy is in your hands.INDIAN economy is in a crisis. Our country like many other ASIAN countries, is undergoing a severe economic crunch. Many INDIAN industries are closing down. The INDIAN economy is in a crisis and if we do not take proper steps to control those, we will be in a critical situation. More than 30,000 crore rupees of foreign exchange are being siphoned out of our country on products such as cosmetics, snacks, tea, beverages, etc. which are grown, produced and consumed here. A cold drink that costs only 70 / 80 paise to produce, is sold for Rs.9 and a major chunk of profits from these are sent abroad. This is a serious drain on INDIAN economy. We have nothing against Multinational companies, but to protect our own interest we request everybody to use INDIAN products only at least for the next two years. With the rise in petrol prices, if we do not do this, the Rupee will devalue further and we will end up paying much more for the same products in the near future. What you can do about it? Buy only products manufactured by WHOLLY INDIAN COMPANIES.Each individual should become a leader for this awareness. This is the only way to save our country from severe economic crisis. You don’t need to give-up your lifestyle. You just need to choose an alternate product. Daily products which are COLD DRINKS,BATHING SOAP ,TOOTH PASTE,TOOTH BRUSH ,SHAVING CREAM,BLADE, TALCUM POWDER ,MILK POWDER ,SHAMPOO , Food Items etc. all you need to do is buy Indian Goods and Make sure Indian rupee is not crossing outside India. Every INDIAN product you buy makes a big difference. It saves INDIA. Let us take a firm decision today. we are not anti-multinational. we are trying to save our nation. every day is a struggle for a real freedom. we achieved our independence after losing many lives. they died painfully to ensure that we live peacefully. the current trend is very threatening. multinationals call it globalization of indian economy. for indians like you and me, it is re-colonization of india. the colonist’s left india then. but this time, they will make sure they don’t make any mistakes. russia, s.korea, mexico – the list is very long!! let us learn from their experience and from our history. let us do the duty of every true indian. finally, it’s obvious that you can’t give up all of the items mentioned above. so give up at least one item for the sake of our country! We would be sending useless forwards to our friends daily. Instead, please forward this to all your friends to create awareness.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Specific Causes of the Civil War Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Specific Causes of the Civil War - Essay Example Arguments between the North and South had been growing for more than thirty years. One important issue was over taxes paid on goods that were imported into this country from overseas. This tax was called a tariff. In 1828, Northern businessmen were instrumental in getting the "Tariff Act" passed. This act raised prices f goods manufactured in Europe and sold mainly in the South. Its purpose was to subtly force the South to buy the North's products. This angered the Southern people because they were forced to pay more for the goods they needed (Rozwenc). Although most f the tariff laws had been changed by the time the Civil War actually began, the Southerners never forgot how unfairly they were treated by the northern businessmen. Northerners accepted the ideal f free enterprise. The advantage f the states in the north concerning industry was immense. The North had countless factories employing immigrants in numerous industries. Manufacturing was mainly concentrated in New England and the Middle Atlantic states. Conversely, the South had only agriculture. Large plantation farms used slaves to harvest their crops. The South had few fast running rivers, which were needed to generate power for factories. Southerners did not believe in the northern society and found no reason to exchange old agricultural traditions for what they perceived to be unsafe investments and new ways f living. The United States developed two very different economic systems: the rural south and the industrialized north. Because these differences shaped two separate cultural and social patterns, it was impossible to combine these differing philosophies without heavy resistance from both sides (Nevins). During this period, the political system was formed into what it has become today; for example, two dominating political parties and the strong power f the president. When one tries to see just how the American Civil War came about, one need look no further than the two American Presidents who faced one another in the most terrible war America has fought. Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis did not cause the war. They were both moderates and shared a vision that the country could resolve its differences without bloodshed. Nevertheless, despite their good intentions, the war came. They fought one another and led others to fight. Lincoln and Davis were both leaders and victims f the times. Unfortunately, in the end the moderate way collapsed and the nation stumbled into a situation where moderation was no longer a possibility. For that reason, the country tried to work out a solution by using violence. The solution it got was imperfect and remains so even today (Catton). This period f time can also be defined as "the era f regional conflicts" (Stampp). More land was needed for settlement because f massive immigration and the rapid rise in population. This led to the expansion f the west where Native Americans were cruelly taken from their reservations. To expedite this movement west, a number f railroads were built, mainly from New England. These improved communications tied the West and the East together to the North. The South, which exported most f its cotton to Great Britain, did not need as many railroads. Consequently, the two regions depended very little upon each other commercially and, therefore, never felt connected to one

Friday, September 27, 2019

Issues Facing Gender in the Workplace Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Issues Facing Gender in the Workplace - Essay Example Lets take an example of Canada in which men occupy positions that are supervisory or administrative, full-time, high in pay and status, and that are often in the transport, communications and manufacturing sectors while women are predominantly concentrated in non-standard work, usually clerical and service work in part-time or temporary positions that are characterized by low skill requirements, low pay, and few benefits. Even in professional positions, women continue to be disproportionately represented in "feminine" nursing, teaching, and social science professions. (Amber Gazso, 2004) Gender issues in career development have undergone an absolute information explosion. It is generally observed that career ambition in women is lower than career aspiration among men. Men tend to be more motivated and possess a broaden view than women on work. But it is surprising to see that women's aspirations have substantially increased over the past several decades. No matter what the reason behind women's aspirations is, several environmental factors have been implicated, including cultural and ethnical background. Many researchers have observed, for example, that the relative traditionality of gender role attitudes and occupational plans may limit the level of women's vocational and educational aspirations. It is true that women may experience a number of barriers in preparing for career decisions, like home-career conflict. Women appear to be placing increased importance on goals in the work domain. This change has not detracted from the importance women give to the home and family domain, nor diminished the expected conflicts among roles. As might be expected, this shift has presented women with additional challenges in their career planning. As is true with many other stages of women's career development, entry into the work force seems to be more complex for women than for men, given gender discrimination and stereotyping, and the demands of multiple roles. One aspect of career development more typical to women than men is role exiting and reentry. Rather than going directly from school to work, many women first engage in full-time family roles, returning to school or work later

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Natural resource -Solar Resource Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Natural resource -Solar Resource - Essay Example In their analysis of economics of pollution however, the authors note that pollution is a side effect of practices that provide the human race with good things. The profound consequences of industrial production result in air pollution and discharge of pollutants into rivers through the manufacture of fertilizers. Therefore, this essay examines and discusses the social costs and benefits of externalities especially pollution and explains how solar energy can give solution to harmful activities associated with extraction of natural resources. The question of how much pollution that should be allowed takes everyone back to the evaluation of marginal social cost of pollution and also the marginal social benefit of pollution. Krugman and Wells (2012), define marginal social cost of pollution as the extra cost placed on the society as a whole by each extra unit of pollution whereas the marginal social benefit is the additional advantage to the society as a result of pollution. Conventionally, pollution carries along an external cost and yields both marginal benefits and cost to the society and these benefits are influenced by the decisions of the owners of the companies who determine how much pollution should occur in absence of government intervention (Krugman & Wells, 2012). As noted in this chapter, environmental costs of pollution are the most popular and essential example of external costs, which are usually uncompensated costs imposed on other people by individuals or firms. In the process of extracting natural resourc es, industries emit and also discharge harmful substances into the environment whose implications jeopardize human welfare. In order to minimize the effects of production, alternative sources of energy such as solar energy resource that are eco-friendly and sustainable can be opted. Since the sunshine is usually in abundance and free, solar energy can be the best alternative source of

Discuss the view that there were marked changes in the nature of Essay

Discuss the view that there were marked changes in the nature of British and American expansion in the late Nineteenth Century - Essay Example In the USA, interest in expansion came essentially from a number of practical and ideological changes. First, by virtue of its massive economic growth after the Civil War:- spurred by an abundance of natural resources and rapid industrialization - the United States had become a "great power". Numerous publicists started to suggest that as the United States was now a great power, it should start to act like one. Practical changes also led to America turning its eye towards other countries. The American "frontier" had essentially disappeared by the last decade of the Nineteenth century; many started to state that the country would need new land and opportunities to serve a growing population. Militarist minds suggested that the US would need to become a great naval nation in order to protect its borders, and Social Darwinists suggested that "manifest destiny" could be extended to other countries. Thus, stated simply, they stated that the world was a jungle and that only the strong in a raw, physical sense could survive. Added to these arguments were those of idealists and religious leaders who argued that Americans should "take up the white man's burden" and carry their supposedly self-evidently superior culture (cultural, economic, political, religious) to the native peoples of the world. Thus a whole series of factors ... In 1895 a violent revolution against Spanish rule in Cuba had occurred, set off by an economic depression that had resulted from a decline in American purchases of sugar form the island. Rebel violence was put down violently by the Spanish, and Cuban refugees in the USA started to spread exaggerated and eventually outright fabricated tales of Spanish atrocities. The power of the print press was partly responsible for the road to war that America now started on. William Randolph Hearst, the great American media baron, whose New York paper The American was in fierce competition with a rival, started to print these stories and to stoke up a jingoistic atmosphere of war. President Cleveland avoided the pressure for war, but his successor, President McKinley was essentially overtaken by events, namely the rather suspicious sinking of the USS Maine on February 15, 1898. The naval board of inquiry claimed that it had been sunk by a Spanish submarine mine, and the resultant loss of life led to war with Spain. Spain offered to make large concessions, but refused to admit what would essentially be defeat - complete withdrawal from Cuba, without a shot fired. In mid April Congress authorized the President to use force to expel the Spanish from Cuba. Thus started what Secretary of State John Hay expressed in a letter to Theodore Roosevelt was a "splendid little war" for America in which there would be little loss of life, but a massive transformation in international presence (Endicott, 2004). The American expeditionary force quickly routed the Spanish on Cuba and then turned against the last Spanish outpost in the Caribbean, Puerto Rico. In early May the Spanish fleet in Manila, the

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

UAE Security and the Effect of Technology and Car Bombs Essay

UAE Security and the Effect of Technology and Car Bombs - Essay Example As the discussion stresses technology has enabled terrorists design car bombs. The car bombs in use today are likely to cause greater explosion. The perpetrator can easily deliver the bomb to the target area. Due to the close proximity, the explosion has the potential of causing indiscriminate mass destruction. The existent of the car bombs increases the need for tighter security. Stringent checking of cars driving into critical structures and other crucial areas like airports is proving necessary in most parts of the world.From the report it is clear that the UAE region is prone to terrorist attacks being an economically vibrant region. Police reports from this region indicate that they have been using technology to mitigate and protect any form of terrorist attacks. UAE launched an effective face recognition system in 2008. The technology of face recognition the states are using is one of the most efficient and has the ability to capture facial images and recognize them. Through th is technology, they ensure that their borders are safe. Due to the efficiency of the face recognition system, they can mitigate any attack and monitor the entry of people into the region. This helps them keep off terrorists before their entry.  Reports from the Abu Dhabi police department reveal that the face recognition system seeks to provide increased security to the community. The system has the ability to capture images and through a high-resolution technology produce images that ease identification. The system can attract subjects of interest and capture facial features and is not prone to any form of distortion. The region is aware of the possible security threats. It aims at protecting each business despite the size. Many enterprises have an access control system, biometric security, CCTV surveillances, and the face recognition system. Other security –solutions are in place. All these are only possible through technology application. All these aim at ensuring a high level of civil security at a time when the use of conventional weapons has reportedly caused a lot of damage in many places of the world (Abu Dhabi Police DHQ, 2012). The UAE region also needs to improve the security to its critical structures. In addition to the security solutions, the states should focus on hardening walls of buildings. The hardening of walls involves in cooperating material that can resist the effect of any bomb or conventional weapon. The new technology ensures that any successful attacks produce minimal damage. The hardening of walls is a proactive measure that increases civil security. It is effective in preventing property damage and life loss. In case of attacks, buildings with hardened critical structures resist the pressure and cannot collapse easily. Research shows that during an explosion, the collapsing building has more effects on the people than the real weapon. Understanding this fact should be a guideline to the UAE to use an extensive blast design in the architecture of its critical structures. Hardening the walls is one of the available technologies. Other available technologies include the use of blast-resistant glass in construction. Other studies

Monday, September 23, 2019

Maple Leaf Shoes Ltd Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Maple Leaf Shoes Ltd - Assignment Example Such discrimination is uncalled for and no matter individual’s status of HIV virus infection one has to be human; enough with each other and any form of segregation is unjust and controversial of to the human rights. In this case, Jon should be candid enough and openly state the fact as they are. HIV infection is not in any point a measure of alienating individuals from us or discriminating them from being part, participating or engaging in any thing anyone else is doing. Jon should advice the supervisor that the HIV-virus infected people should be treated with just, fairness and love. The transmission of the HIV virus infection is not in any way through working with the individual or just mere contact and therefore no isolation or evil perception towards such people in the society we live in. The development of the policy on AIDS would benchmark on the fact that we live a society where we are well endowed with knowledge and tools required to slow the spread of HIV infection and result to improvement of the health of people living with HIV. There is need to take bold steps in ensuring that the policy is effective since we face an era of rising infections, coupled with enormous challenges in serving individuals with HIV, and also a higher health care costs. Formulation of a well-coordinated national and institution level response to the HIV epidemic. The strategy is geared towards a concise plan that will identify a set of strategic actions and set of priorities linked to measurable outcomes. As an institution, the set strategies should be accompanied with particular steps that are supposed to be taken by various stakeholders within the government and other institutions in support of the high-level priorities as outlined in the policy. The success of all these is through a coordinated national response towards the epidemic. This calls for commitment from every level of the

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Hero and saint conversion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Hero and saint conversion - Essay Example Although Hercules/Heracles was a son of a god, he was born to a mortal woman, making him a mortal as well, not exempted from the difficulties every human being meets. And this would be the very essence that integrates the Roman and Greek heroes to the making of the modern hero or saint. Paul of Tarsus for instance, though he was not a layman but formerly a Roman officer, being a Roman citizen with Jewish decent and having the power to execute the law under his command did not enjoy all his lifetime as one could imagine a person in authority. Instead, after his encounter with Jesus through a vision on his way to Damascus to persecute the early Christians, he suffered similar persecutions that he did to the disciples when he was still a Roman soldier. He encountered not only trials and miracles in escaping death from his fellow human beings but also from natural calamities. An example of which would be his survival from a shipwreck along with his fellow prisoners and the soldiers guard ing them when they were sent to Italy. Due to the storm, they landed in Malta instead and this is where another miracle happened to Paul when he was bitten by a poisonous snake from the fire they made which he simply shook off from his hand.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Human Resource Management in a business is extremely important Essay Example for Free

Human Resource Management in a business is extremely important Essay Human Resource Management in a business is extremely important. Good Human Resource Management can help make a successful business as it can help keep the employees happy and satisfied. In the leisure and recreation industry high quality human resource management is vital as the service delivered by the organisations are on a person to person basis. S o the business is going to need the right people with the right skills and attitude, and also need the right managers to motivate and train staff to do well in their jobs. Human Resource Management basically means the organisation of people in a company, and can also be defined by the tasks, which managers undertake in the area, such as recruitment, training and communication with the workforce and dealing with any problems that may arise with the employees. The key qualities that the employees should have are that they should be well enough trained and confident enough to communicate with customers. Most large companies organise their staff into teams or separate departments, with a head or manager of section in charge. In large organisations the role of the manager is to be largely responsible for the deployment and development of employees, a duty that can represent a substantial challenge and needs its own type of training. The manager needs to be trained in appraising staff, motivating individuals or teams in applying employment legislation correctly. The roles of the Human Resource Manager in different sized organisations differ a lot. A manager in a large business would be a trained specialist and would know how to motivate his staff a lot more effectively, as he can concentrate solely on his employees. Where as a manager in a smaller business has the equal amount of responsibility, but this will be added to the responsibility for marketing strategies, financial decisions, stock control and many other jobs to do, perhaps for fewer staff but none the less a complex range of roles to perform. Here at ECC we have a very good Human Resource Management department that motivates the staff very well and is extremely organised, we aim to make sure that our employees are happy and that there is a friendly atmosphere evident for the customers to feel welcome. External and Internal Influences that affect Human Resource Planning Many large and medium sized businesses today have a personnel department. Its main role will be to manage the firms human resources. These are the employees or personnel in a business that help it to achieve its objectives. They might include production workers, office staff, members of the marketing team, accountants or cleaners. Human Resource Planning is the method by which a business forecasts how many and what type of employees it needs at present and in the future. It also involves matching up the right type of employees to the needs of the business. A business will work out its labour requirements, its demand, and make sure that an appropriate supply is demanded. There are many external and internal influences that can affect the success of the human resource management team and its planning for the short and long term. The difference between these influences from the point of view of Human Resource Planning (HRP) is that external is outside the immediate control of organisations, where as internal are more within control of organisations and can be more responsive to good HRP. The external factors can be simplified to the mnemonic PESTLE. These factors affect any leisure and recreation organisation. Each letter influences a business in different ways. Political Economic Social Technological Legal Environmental Political This is concerned with how political developments, regionally, nationally and internationally might affect a leisure and recreation businesses strategy and objectives. A change of government might affect a Leisure and Recreation provider such as our company ECC because they may introduce new policies or taxes that would mean our business may have to have to pay more direct tax and would consequently mean that our company would have less capital to spend on improving the business, or increasing employees wages. Political Instability could also occur in the United Kingdom. This could cause unrest within a country and could reduce the amount of people visiting your organisation. Here at ECC we may be affected, as there is a possibility of war with Iraq, which would mean people wouldnt visit the UK or the USA as the countries could be destructed by a war. That means we wouldnt have a business, as we would not get any customers visiting our restaurants so we would end up bust. Economic This incorporates: * Government Policy Monetary Policy and Interest Rates * Economic Variables Inflation and Unemployment Levels. The Monetary Policy is used to manage the level of demand in the economy with a particular emphasis on controlling the money supply. Monetary Policy can be used to: * Expand the economy by allowing more money to circulate and increase spending. * Control spending and restricts increases in money flowing around the economy which may lead to price rises. The government has used a variety of methods in the past to control the money supply. One is by changing the Interest Rates. Interest Rates is the rate of which businesses and people have to pay back money on loans and on there credit cards. The Monetary Policy meet to determine how much money they want circulating in the UK economy so that it can affect the money supply and inflation. An increase in Interest Rates can reduce the money supply. If interest rates increases, the rate of borrowing rises. That can affect leisure organisations such as ECC a great deal because if we want to expand and develop more restaurants in the UK then that would cost us more money to take out a loan, as the banks would charge us more interest. So then we may have to up our prices and pass on the increase of interest to our customers, which would then decrease the demand of our products, and may go to competitors such as McDonalds or Burger King. The level of inflation is when prices are rising (the rate of inflation) this also has an effect on consumer spending tending to slow down due to the high prices. Due to the loss of demand it has a knock on effect upon suppliers, who pass the increased fixed costs to companies such as ECC. That means that we would have to pay more for all our raw materials such as our food and cooking and cleaning goods and then that means increased prices. Our Human Resource Management department would be effected as that means we wouldnt be able to increase the wages of the employees like they may want, as we cant afford the rise in inflation, which could lead to de- motivation in our staff and the possibility of employees leaving. Unemployment levels at a high level, generally means the UK population as a whole has less money to spend on leisure and recreation activities, and instead spend the money on essential goods. When employment levels are high the population feel confident and have more disposable income to spend on luxury goods or on leisure activities. That could influence our HRP in two ways. Either by having a lot of people spending a lot in our restaurant as they have more money, which means we could afford to give our employees pay rise. Which then would make our staff more motivated and then work more efficiently and produce a better service to customers. And the opposite effect being less demand from customers and then less profit, and we would have to reduce prices to increase demand. By doing that the staff would not get any more money and become more de- motivated. Social The factors include Consumer Trends, which are the trends of the UK population. If the economy is experiencing an upturn in demand that means a company such as ourselves that means we would have to employ more staff as the increase in demand needs more staff to cope with the queues and maintain our service standard of fast, quality food to our customers. So we would employ part time staff so they can be flexible and if the demand decreases then we could not use them or pay them as much. Our HRP may need to be modified if there is a sudden demographic change to our customer base. There is an increase in the grey market in the United Kingdom these are the over 50s so that means we may employ more over 50 staff to appeal to the grey market as they generally have higher disposable incomes and more free time to come to our restaurant. So that could be something for our HRP to decide on, so we can provide a service to a wider market and then increase our profits. Technological We should improve our technology in ECC by maybe having to introduce online booking at our restaurants to keep up with the ongoing advances in technology and make our company have an advantage over our competitors. It would need high levels of investment, and increasing amounts of customers means ECC would have to employ more staff and also have to pay more on training the staff to be suitably equipped to deal with the new technology which would then mean having to pay out more for the wages of the employees. Legal Legal factors could include new health and safety legislation, such as tighter fire precautions, which would mean that our employees would have to go away to an external environment to be trained correctly to make sure ECC cant be sued due to staff not being trained in health and safety. Environmental Here at ECC we make sure there are no reasons why we as a company arent being environmentally friendly and then we arent subject to pressure groups demonstrating against the business, which then would lead to a loss of profit, as demand would decrease because of protestors against us. There are also internal factors that can affect businesses HRP. Structure and Ownership can lead to good and bad HRP. ECC being a large hierarchical organisation has many staff on many levels need a carefully researched human resource plan, which we have to avoid poor communication between restaurants. We make sure each manager of each restaurant across the world takes into account there employees opinions to make our company better as they are the experts in their job. That is all to increase the profits of the business and make it more efficient. The Size and Location can also affect a company and its HRP. We deliver one type of service, so all staff everywhere can be trained to the same standard across the organisation so we achieve the same results and provide the same great service. The location of the business can also be key, because if it is located in the countryside instead of the town centre where we locate our restaurants then we wouldnt appeal to such a wide market and then not get as much profit, which would lead to less money being put towards our employees who are vital.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Components and Features of Central Locking System

Components and Features of Central Locking System Central locking The main function of the central locking system is controlling access authorization at all times but it also must cover the following areas: actuation of opening handles or lifting, braking and locking the doors during closing operation. The central locking system includes following components: -locking bars on the body pillars, -doors, door lock mechanism and dedicated mechanical and electrical parts, -electrical components required to access authorization facility and radio remote control. Depending on their location further dividing being made: -side door assembly, -trunk assembly, -hood assembly, Illustration 1: Central locking system schematic Door assembly consists of catch, pawl and latch. The door lock striker is attached to the body pillar. Under closing operation the door lock striker gets caught by the latch and hold in the closed position and centres the door. The pawl positively locks the catch in position. This lock condition is automatically aborted when opening procedures begin. For this process the forces acting on inner or outer door handle are transferred to the pawl and cause the catch release to open the door. The door lock striker stays in the position while the catch swivels go into an open position. In a case of operation methods central locking system consists of two types of actuators: electromagnetic and pneumatic. Electromagnetic actuators rely on solenoids which lock or unlock doors using current going in both directions (open/closed) through an electric module. On this kind of system two types of arrangements are in use. First one uses separate relays for each of action taking by the system. One dedicated to open and another one to close the door. Both of them are controlled by a transistor switching the circuit operated by the capacitor (storage for energy necessary to operate system) which is releasing current necessary to activate the locks. Another type uses two capacitors and two relays working as a tandem. One pair is responsible for locking and another for unlocking. When the circuit is closed a current is discharged from the capacitor and the lock is either opened or closed. IMAGE Pneumatic actuators are driven by a pneumatic central unit which controls vacuum/pressure pump. When vacuum is applied actuators acting on mechanism lock or unlock the door. The vacuum pump is driven by electric motor which is working in both directions. Forward rotation creates a compressor action (doors open), while backwards rotation creates vacuum (doors close). Polarity on the electric motor is changed by a change-over control switch. IMAGE In most modern cars electrical locking system replaced mechanical unit due to a demand for quality and reliability. The main advantages of electrical locking system are: -symmetrical design, -smaller and lighter in comparison to a mechanical unit -only one lock version per vehicle -individually encoding at the end of the production line -door handles no longer move Other supplementary functions, like an interior light or status indicator, can be easily introduced in electrical locking system because the lock is equipped with electronics, which can carry out these functions. Communications with the locks, power supply and security system take place via data can bus system. Engine immobilisers An immobiliser is an electronic anti-theft security device which prevents engine start by an unauthorised person unless the correct key or fob is placed in the ignition barrel. If the correct key is used, transponder inside the key sends a signal to the reader which transfer signal to the receiver (ECU). If the signal is recognised by the ECU, the system allows user to start engine. If not the immobiliser disables few car systems necessary to start the engine: usually it is fuel injection, fuel pump and ignition components. The immobiliser is strongly connected to the car security system, so any unauthorised access to the car that is detected by the security system (movement detectors, infra-red sensor, sonic sensor and many others, depending on the security system) automatically trigger the immobiliser and any other alarm aims such a horn and flashing headlights. Car alarm can be activated by infra-red signal generated by the fob or a key ring and received by optical sensing unit placed somewhere in the car. Another type is a radio control system. Radio wave is created by the fob or the key and received by car antenna quite often a car heated rear window.   In both examples the signal is unique for each car and only this one signal is recognised by the ECU. Alarm system uses few different types of sensors to protect the car: -shock sensor: detecting any vehicle moment -ultrasonic: car interior is covered by an ultrasonic signal; any change in the strength on the signal pattern activates the alarm -voltage drop or current drain: any drop of voltage (disconnecting the battery) or current drain (by switching on interior light) -infra-red: detecting any disruption of the beam transmitted between two points inside of the car -direct earth contact: detected by the bonnet, boot and door switches when an earth contact happens Diagnosis and repair defect. Make: Vauxhall Model: Vectra B Year: 1999 After connecting central locking rig to the battery I noticed that the locking system does not work properly. Firstly, I checked voltage on the battery, unfortunately it was too low: -12v. To rectify this I connected the battery to the charger. Since then the central locking system starts to perform quickly and properly. After a short while the system stopped working completely. It didnt react to the car key fob. First, I checked the battery voltage inside the key. Multimeter showed the voltage of 3v (battery type-CR2032), which is absolutely perfect. I was looking closely into the key fob for any damage on the electronic circuit or battery holders, but everything was in a proper working order. After that I measured the resistance of each door and readings on multimeter were as follow: Nsf-1 ohm, Osf-1 ohm, Nsr-1 ohm, Osr-1 ohm, According to the Autodata all readings matched the factory range. To be sure about my findings I checked continuity on each of the door and this confirmed my thought that wiring between the doors and the central unit is in a good working order. Last part of my diagnostics was checking the condition of the central unit itself. Firstly, I connected the multimeter to the port No2 and No8 to check voltage transferred from the battery to the central locking unit. Unfortunately the voltage was 0v. Then I checked continuity on the wiring between the central locking unit and the battery. There was no continuity at all. My diagnosis: The wiring between the battery and the central locking unit is faulty.   To rectify this the faulty wiring needs to be replaced. Electrical circuit diagram

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Essay example --

Foucault describes in the â€Å"carceral archipelago† and how it transported the technique from the penal institution to the entire social body on pg. 298 of the text in relation to how technologies, powers and disciplines were connected in a series of prisons, institutions, and other organizations that governed or directed how social norms, punishments and regulations were administered. The archipelago referred to a collection of islands, which show relationships and structural similarities, as well as differences. Foucault uses Mettray as an example to show the emergences of more formalized structure or accountability as we could term it today with examples of power-knowledge over individuals. Foucault describes Mettray as the most disciplinary form at its most extreme, explaining that the models in which are concentrated all the coercive technologies of our behavior (p. 293). The prison was successful because it structured prisoners through the processes of discipline and control. The prison showed that it had the capabilities to transform its functionality to applications and technologies other than the carceral (punitive), such as hospitals, schools, and other public administrations by making the power and knowledge that is held over individuals normal. Its systems, because they were so effective were not destined to remain exclusively to the punitive environment. The technology that they enveloped was extremely useful, and as a result, discipline and structure have been profoundly influential in the development of social norms and behaviors in societies. In modern society, the structure that was present in the carceral environment can be seen in virtually all systems and organizational structures; from federal, state... ...hich in turn is intended to normalize the individual’s behavior. In the application, map my walk, Foucault would view the process of recording and sharing results with peers through electronic communication also as the process of examination. Through the process of sharing information and gathering results and responses, the individual’s behavior becomes normalized through the judging practice; not only being judged both indirectly and directly by their peers, but also by judging themselves through their progress and/or failures. Both are essentially control through observational techniques. It is interesting because they coincide with the pressure that women place on themselves to manifest control over their bodies, both internally and externally. It is similar to a panoptic environment, where the woman monitors her own outcomes. Word Count: 234

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

What is Social Psychology? Essay -- Social Influences, Behaviors, Feel

Essay Title: Social Psychology Social psychology is a broad concept which has underlying elements of studying on how we behave, foresee and feel. Myers (2011) agrees that social psychologist investigates these connections by studying on how we persuade others and how we relate to other humans. Miller (2004) stated that majority of social psychologist would acknowledge that the perspective of social psychology is one that emphasises the social changes in the environment from the influence of individual. Kassin, Fein and Markus (2013) argues that humans are really fascinated about social interaction and personal relationships, which the social context can have an immense influence on our lives. Furthermore, social psychology applies to all aspects of our lives, which I consider to be fascinating category of psychology; because we have to communicate to each other, express our feeling towards another and engage intimately with the opposite sex. In world of social human beings, we are interacting with everybody in social situations, for examples we are corresponding with our friends via social networking websites such as facebook, twitter and email accounts; we are talking to our close family members on the mobile phone; we are networking with professionals, recruitment consultants and employers in networking events. In addition our beliefs can cause significant changes in our social situations. For instance our religious beliefs or political beliefs can inspire and have huge impact over many people; parents with strong religious beliefs can instil the same traditions and ethical principles to their children, however there is a possibility that their children can grow up with similar ways of thoughts as their parents. .. ...ogical Factors in Competitive Sport. Oxford: Psychology Press Eiser, J., R. ( 1986) Social Psychology: Attitudes, Cognition and Social Behaviour. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Maio, G.,R. , Haddock, G. (2009) The Psychology of Attitudes and Attitude Change. London: SAGE Publications LTD Martin, G., N.( 2008) Psychology: A beginner’s Guide. Oxford: Oneworld Publications Kalat, J., W.( 2010) Introduction to Psychology. London: Cengage Learning Tuffin, K.( 2004) Understanding Critical Social Psychology. London: Sage Publications Ltd Flick, U.(ed.) ( 1998) The Psychology of the Social. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Lovaglia, M.( 2006) Knowing People: The Personal Use of Social Psychology. 2nd edition. Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers Burr, V.(2002) The Person in Social Psychology. East Sussex: Psychology Press

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The Cold War :: essays research papers

Harry Truman was the 33rd President of the United States from about the end of World War 2 and from the beginning of the Cold War in 1945 until he retired in January, 1952. Harry Truman was born in 1884, in Missouri. In April 1945 Truman assumed office as the President on the death of Franklin D. Roosevelt. From the 16th of July to the 2nd of August the Potsdam conference was held in Potsdam, Berlin. Truman and Stalin and Churchill attended the conference until Churchill was beaten in an election by Atlee and replaced. Truman was worried about this encounter with Stalin as he was not very well informed on him, as Roosevelt had not involved him in political issues therefore he lacked the knowledge on how to handle Stalin. The main issue at the conference was on Germany. They established the principle occupations, which were to de-nazify,de-militerise, de-centeralise de-industrialise and democrasise all of Germany. Germany’s reparations were decided. They also established that Germany’s future would be jointly worked out, no separate development without consultation of forgien ministers. Also at Potsdam the Polish borders were defined, and Russia agreed entry to the Pacific War. Truman distrusted the Russians before the conference and by the end of the conference in August Truman had developed an even larger distrust towards Russia. He felt the Russians had been given too much at Yalta and he was adopting a harder attitude. He also felt that with the power he held with the Atomic bomb, USSR were under control. The relationship between the superpwers worsened considerably at Potsdam. On the 6th of August 1945 Truman authorised an Atomic bomb to be dropped on Hiroshima, a city in Japan and another in Nagasaki, two days later, they caused horrendous damage, and many thousands of people died. After the bombs were dropped US troops occupied Japan not allowing any other forces in. Truman had told Stalin little about the bomb, first informing him at Potsdam and when he authorised the drop, he had not consulted or warned Stalin, this angered him as he had wanted to gain some Japanese territory before the end of the war and the tension began to build. The rise of two new â€Å"superpowers†developed after the war, the USA and the USSR, both wanting to be the more powerful nation. There was a rising tension between Truman and Stalin, as Truman had a different attitude to the USSR and Stalin than Roosevelt had previously.

The Progression of Huck’s Maturity

As the novel, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain, progresses, Huck becomes more mature. The reader can see this change in maturity by the level of his thinking and the changes it undergoes. The maturation of Huck is also evident in pranks that he plays, which progressively change his attitude and the way he thinks. The book starts off with a Huck that has a wild nature, and is not civilized. He is in Tom Sawyer’s â€Å"gang† that plays pranks of people. The prank that Tom and Huck play on Jim, Miss Watson’s slave, really stands out. Huck and Tom take Jim’s hat and hide it up on a tree branch above him while he is sleeping. Huck later realizes that Jim â€Å"was most ruined for a servant, because he got stuck up on account of having seen the devil and been rode by witches† (Twain 16). His prank set Jim up for a bad image, which had a negative repercussion which Huck did not see, showing his immaturity. Another prank Huck plays in which he doesn’t judge the consequences before hand, is when he places the dead snake in Jim’s bed. Unaware that the snake’s mate would come after the body, Huck causes Jim to be bit by a snake, which is very dangerous. Later on in the novel, Huck plays another prank on Jim, in which he pretends that nothing happened, when in reality, Huck and Jim are separated in the fog. He convinces Jim that Jim is crazy, and this concerns Jim. Huck feels â€Å"so mean [that he] could [have] almost kissed his foot to get him to take it back† after Jim insults Huck for making fun of Jim (Twain 75). He later apologizes, and regains the trust, but he realizes that not all of his pranks are good. Finally, Huck shows that he is much more mature when the â€Å"Duke† and the â€Å"Dauphin† come on the ship. Huck realizes that these two conmen are just bluffing their status. However he â€Å"never [says] nothing, never let on; kept it to [himself]† because then â€Å"you don’t have quarrels, and don’t get into no trouble† (Twain 104). He didn’t mind calling them what they wanted to be called, â€Å"‘long as it would keep peace in the family† (Twain 104). Overall, Huck grows in his maturity greatly. While encountering his personal experiences with Jim, and away from society, he grows as an individual with a greater moral and maturity.

Monday, September 16, 2019

My First Experience

My First Experience Riding a Pedicab Alone I think we all have that kind of experience where we used to ride a vehicle with friends or family but because of dire emergencies, we are forced to go by ourselves. My experience with this kind of event was a bit nerve-wrecking yet I also had the feeling of great success. This happened on my early freshmen year in High School. I did not really prefer riding â€Å"pedicabs† alone especially at night yet I was forced to. However, this experience taught me that trying something in another way might be risky yet it shows surprising and rewarding results.It was already late in the afternoon and was getting darker when I waited for my dad to pick me up from school. I called him and he answered. However, he said â€Å"I’m sorry son but I can’t pick you up. You’ll have to ride a public transport to go home. You either ride a pedicab or an ‘easy-ride’. † I asked him why and he replied, â€Å"The car b roke had a problem so I left it in the repair shop. † Tired and depressed, I went out of the school and walked to the nearest waiting area alone because most of my friends and classmates had already gone home.I knew it would take me quite some time to wait for a passing pedicab. I had no experience signaling the driver properly because I usually let my companions do it. Thankfully, I have no problems talking to strangers or random people, so explaining my destination to the driver wasn’t a big deal. Then there was another problem that popped into my head. I was short on money and I had no idea how much the fair cost. That night did not go so well for me. Not long after I started waiting, I finally got a ride.It was the first time that I had nobody else to talk to except for the driver. The driver looked familiar but I could not put my finger on it. Being curious, I started a conversation with the driver. It just started as small chit-chats before I asked, â€Å"You loo ked familiar. Do I know you from somewhere? † He grinned and said, â€Å"Silly boy, I’m your neighbor from across the road. † That shocked me for a bit. He continued, â€Å"The reason you may not know me or see me is because I get up so early. † Embarrassed, I just nodded my head and smiled.As we arrive to our neighborhood, I was about to ask him for the price of the fair. He declined saying, â€Å"Since we are neighbors, and I had a great time conversing with you, you don’t have to pay me but only for now. † I was thankful upon hearing this as I waved good-bye for the night, hoping we cross paths again. That night, I had to take the risk of using a public transport which is rather unsafe considering it was night and I had no companion but with my determination, I was able to get home with a surprising reward.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Choices: Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening Essay

What is happening in each poem? How do they compare and contrast? What is the main idea to both poems? The poem â€Å"The Road Not Taken† is a very sentimental poem, because it is about a choice. On the other hand, the poem â€Å"Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening† is about the choice that someone made already. In â€Å"The Road Not Taken† the person chose to take a road with an unknown ending, and is less traveled. Moreover, the writer was letting people know that sometimes taking the less traveled path makes a huge difference. The evidence I found was â€Å"I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference. (Frost, 2008)† This poem is basically about a life choice, because sometimes people comes to a fork in the road, and they have to decide which way is better for them. However, sometimes people do not make the right choice, but it’s a life lesson to be learned. In â€Å"Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening† the writer was talking about slowing down to enjoy life. Too many people try to get caught up in life, but if they would just slow down and look around they might feel relaxed and safe. The evidence that I found to make me believe this poem was are slowing down for life was â€Å"To watch his woods fill up with snow, (Frost, Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening, 2008)† and â€Å"The woods are lovely, dark and deep (Frost, Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening, 2008)†. Both poems compare to one another, because one is about making a choice while the other is about enjoying it. Those poems tones were the same sad, yet hopeful, which makes me believe the writer, Robert Frost, was a very sad person full of hope, and the desire for something grater. I would recommend those poems to teenagers up to adults, because that is when life starts taking hold, and that is when choices become.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Global Financing and Exchange Rate

Global Financing and Exchange Rate Mechanisms March 07, 2009 Global Financing and Exchange Rate Mechanisms Hard currencies are a currency, usually from a highly industrialized country, that is widely accepted around the world as a form of payment for goods and services. A hard currency is expected to remain relatively stable through a short period of time, and to be highly liquid in the forex market (Investopedia, 2009). The forex market is the largest, most liquid market in the world with an average traded value that exceeds $1. 9 trillion per day and includes all of the currencies in the world. There is no central marketplace for currency exchange; trade is conducted over the counter. The forex market is open 24 hours a day, five days a week, and currencies are traded worldwide among the major financial centers of London, New York, Tokyo, Zurich, Frankfurt, Hong Kong, Singapore, Paris and Sydney (Investopedia, 2009). Another criterion for a hard currency is that the currency must come from a politically and economically stable country. The U. S. dollar and the British pound are good examples of hard currencies (Investopedia, 2009). Soft currency is another name for â€Å"weak currency†. The values of soft currencies fluctuate often, and other countries do not want to hold these currencies due to political or economic uncertainty within the country with the soft currency. Currencies from most developing countries are considered to be soft currencies. Often, governments from these developing countries will set unrealistically high exchange rates, pegging their currency to a currency such as the U. S. dollar (Investopedia, 2009). Hard Currency is used in global financing operations by developed nations. Hard currency is easily traded and bartered throughout the world. Using hard currency ensures that there is an even playing field for all parties in the transaction. Hard currency is important in managing risks because â€Å"a company can counter an imminent devaluation by speeding up collections of receivables, postponing bill paying, and converting cash into hard currency† (Feist, Helly, & Lu, 1999) . Another way that hard currency manages risks is by utilizing or adopting it, it is least likely to be a factor in the loss of funds. World organizations which invest internationally face the prospect of uncertainty in the returns after they convert the foreign gains back to their own currency. Unlike the past when most U. S. investors ignored international investing alternatives, investors today must recognize and understand exchange rate risk, which can be defined as the variability in returns on securities caused by currency fluctuations. Exchange rate risk is sometimes called currency risk. This risk is true for the nations also. For example if a currency is free-floating, its exchange rate is allowed to vary against that of other currencies. Exchange rates for such currencies are likely to change almost constantly as quoted on financial markets, mainly by banks, around the world. This can lead to lot of speculation and also losses especially for weak economies. Moreover investors generally prefer hard currencies to soft currencies at times of increased inflation (or more precisely increased inflation differentials between countries), at times of heightened political or military risk, or when they feel that one or more government-imposed exchange rates are unrealistic. In some cases, an economy may choose to abandon local currency altogether and adopt a hard currency as legal tender. Examples include the adoption in Ecuador and Panama of the US dollar, and the adoption in Kosovo and Montenegro of first the German mark and later the euro. â€Å"Countries open to capital flows can adopt a wide range of arrangements, from free floating to a variety of crawling pegs with broad bands around them (under which the central exchange rate is frequently and marginally adjusted), as well as very hard pegs sustained by policy commitments such as currency boards, dollarization (or, more generally, the adoption of another foreign currency as legal tender), or membership in a currency union† (Finance & Development, 2001). Hard pegs are defined as â€Å"In economics, a policy in which the authorities insist on some permanent, precise guarantee of the value of the local currency to some other thing: a unit measure of gold, the US dollar, the euro, or the pound. Historically, the US dollar had a hard peg to gold from 1946 to 1971, while other currencies in the developed world had a hard peg to the US dollar. Since 1971, most of the world's money is in floating currency (whose relative value is set by the free market)† (Urban Dictionary). A floating currency is â€Å"A currency whose value is set by the currency markets; money whose exchange rate relative to other currencies is determined mainly or entirely by unrestricted trading in the currency. Most currencies are dirty float |dirty floats, which means that the government issuing them attempts to manage their traded value in some way; or else hard peg |hard pegs, in which the value is tied to something specific. When a currency is floating, then its value may rise because the county is running a trade surplus, or it is running a capital account surplus. Floating currencies are not fiat money, although they are often confused for each other† (Urban Dictionary). In some cases the US dollar is considered fiat money because it is deemed â€Å"money that (a) derives its value entirely from the mandate of the government, and (b) cannot be freely traded. Fiat money is not the same thing as floating currency, because if a floating currency is intrinsically worthless then its lack of worth will be reflected in the forex markets. Fiat money, on the other hand, does not require a disciplined monetary of fiscal policy on the part of the issuing authorities; exchange rates are fixed by decree, which means the state also controls supplies of hard (foreign) currency† (Urban Dictionary). â€Å"Times change, and a currency that is considered weak at one time may become stronger, and perceived as a hard currency later on. For example, the pound sterling was considered structurally weak and liable to depreciate (in real terms) for much of the post World War II period; now it is considered to have re-established fiscal and monetary soundness and to be strong. The U. S. dollar (USD) has been considered a strong currency in recent years, and importantly a safe-haven in times of international tension or war, but the USA has large fiscal and trade deficits and an unresolved problem that many Asian currencies are pegged to the dollar and therefore do not appreciate as their trade surpluses with the USA grow; some commentators believe that these considerations imply that the U. S. dollar will now enter a period of weakness, especially that there are signs that China may be relaxing the rate at which the yuan is pegged to the dollar† (Answers, 2007). Soft Currency is used in global operations by underdeveloped or unstable nations. Soft currency is also used as local currency like the Mexican peso. Soft currency is important in managing risks because it is a warning for companies to take proactive measures to reduce currency exchange losses. Soft pegs may lead speculation, which can be costly in industrialized countries, but are frequently harmful to emerging market countries, as in Latin America (Mexico and Ecuador), East Asia (Thailand, Korea, and Indonesia) and Turkey. The breakdown of soft pegs in emerging market countries is as damaging as it is because their debt structure is generally short term and is denominated in foreign currency. Thus a successful speculative attack leads to a sharp deterioration in balance sheets, which in turn leads to a financial crisis. Hard pegs may be desirable, particularly in countries whose political and monetary institutions are especially weak; they can used to stabilize the economy. However, hard pegs will not be successful in promoting a healthy economy unless government policies create the right institutional environment. Thus Pegging has typically been a way to substantiate the value of a local currency against the world's convertible currencies and to stabilize the exchange rate. References Investopedia, (http://www. investopedia. com/terms/s/softcurrency. asp) Feist, William R. , Heely, James A. , & Lu, Min H. (1999). Managing A Global Enterprise. , Greenwood Publishing Group. International Financial Management by Madhu vij Finance & Development, (http://www. imf. org/external/pubs/ft/fandd/2001/06/fischer. htm) Urban Dictionary, (http://www. urbandictionary. com/define. php? term=hard%20peg)

Friday, September 13, 2019

Handgun owners Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Handgun owners - Essay Example The central tenet of this paper is the idea that carrying a concealed hand-gun does not, in point of fact, put the owner of that handgun at greater risk when confronted with a mugger, that carrying a concealed weapon actually makes someone safer when confronted with violent crime.There is a central problem with this paper, however, is that none of the following arguments or topics actually relate directly to the central thesis. After arguing that carrying a concealed hand gun makes one safer when confronted by a thug, the paper moves on to discussing concealed carry laws (without directly relating those to safety), before moving on to arguing that people who carry concealed weapons with permits are law abiding (again, not directly related to safety). The only argument actually related to safety is in the conclusion, when the paper quotes John Stossel without using a source to say that he says that maximum security felons avoid neighborhoods where they perceive a large number of gun o wners. 2. As mentioned above, little evidence is given directly in support of the thesis. There are two concrete pieces of evidence given: the number of permit carriers in the country (which the author uses to counter the notion that there would be lots of violence if there were a lot of gun carriers).).This doesn’t logically link to the argument, however, because a) the number given is very small compared to the population of the US and b) the author doesn’t try to argue that gun violence is rare

Thursday, September 12, 2019

See the attachment Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 1

See the attachment - Coursework Example It is the objective of this essay to proffer a strategy assessment of DHL Company, as a global organization, with the specific aims of addressing the following concerns: (1) an identification of the organization’s companywide strategy; (2) a determination of the specific aspect of the strategy being focused on; (3) the competitive advantages of DHL; (4) the competitive strategies employed; and (5) an exploration of any identified issues on global management. The analysis of the organization would be used analytical tools such as SWOT and PESTLE analysis for a more comprehensive illustration of its competitive advantage on a global scale. The management report is designed to proffer an assessment of the global strategy of DHL to be â€Å"The Logistics Company for the World† (DHL: Corporate Portrait, 2010) where focus would be on logistics and mail. The specific strategies to support the attainment of the global strategy would focus on improving customer orientation, a concentration on the digital and physical solutions in the dialog marketing, providing a more secure electronic communications system, improving employee involvement and commitment, promoting communications through cross-divisional experience and enhancing leadership culture through improving the incentive scheme. Particularly, DHL envisioned an expansion through â€Å"its airfreight operations in Asia in a move linked to the inauguration of its expanded central Asia hub in Hong Kong and the launch of its north Asia hub in Shanghai† (Wallis, 2008, p. 38). By identifying and enumerating the organization’s internal resources and the factors that influence its external environment through both SWOT and PESTLE analyses, the report would clearly indicate the viability of the global strategy to sustain leadership in the logistics industry. DHL Company boasts of being â€Å"an express shipping multinational company operating in

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

4 Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

4 - Coursework Example Researching on legal matters is exciting in that it helps the researcher to be more critical by asking more questions and having realistic expectations and perception of the law. Researching the law is vital because this skill enables the researcher to find answers to legal questions and better understand judicial system. Understanding judicial system and knowing how to get answers is an important skill that helps bring study of law into focus. For instance, one needs to know consequences that surround certain actions particularly to police officers such as the intra agency discipline comprising of anything from negative letters to one’s personal file to being suspended without pay. Therefore, it is important that one to be informed with the ever changing law and knowing how to find out about changes is important. Another important reason as to why it is important to research the law is to keep credibility in that a person is able to research the law correctly so that viable or proper result is found. Using texts or treatise for researching the law is very dangerous because such works are invaluable resources, expensive and frequently multivolume. Though highly effective and commonly used as compared to other methods in learning law, depending on text learning becomes an ultimate predisposition to partial intellectual deficiency. In addition, several pitfalls are likely to come from the rigidity of text-based learning alone. Texts may elaborate on evidence but may not be able to come up with a legal formula on how to handle unique evidences that may arise. iv. The holding and the policies and reasons that support the holding, in this regard, the holding of the case is the rule of law applied to the relevant facts of the case and the actual decision of the court. In addition, legal opinion contain the skills and process needed to read case laws which are drawing inferences, thinking in reverse and untangling the

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

The Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison - Essay Example He is like the newborn child with total loss of memory, forgets his name, powerless to comprehend speech, and a formless identity. This birth involves no parents and he interacts with the doctors lonely. The narrator is rather ambushed by the arrogance of the medical science, and the doctors advise him to establish his own new identity, as he has no past now. The identity imposed on him in societal terms has ceased to exist. It is a new act in the drama of his life, which has no connections to the earlier acts. He is without any support and has lost connectivity. His suffering related to his identity has not ended and he is undergoing a new type of suffering, in view of the imposed inferiority complex. Since the narrator has lost the ability to speak, the doctors are unable to extract any information about his identity. In the absence of any documentary proof about the antecedents of the patient, the doctors arrive to their own conclusions based on their knowledge of racial history a nd racial stereotypes. As the narrator suffers the seizures of electric shock treatment, the doctors note sarcastically that black people have excellent rhythm. This derogatory comment is the barometer for the thinking level of the white doctors and how racist beliefs are ingrained in them. Lobotomy episode is significant as it creates two different personalities out of one individual. The narrator has lost forever his black identity established through the historical processes of several centuries. 2. Mary Rambo is a unique character and the narrator is fascinated by her neutral but unique societal disposition. In the dingy societal reactions that confronted him often, Mary Lambo is an exception. She treats him with utmost affections and provides him with food and shelter. Her humane quality of willing acceptance without any reservations fills hopes in the life of the narrator. Mary does

Monday, September 9, 2019

Gene One Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Gene One - Essay Example The success that Gene One has had in eight short years has presented a quandary concerning the strategic path Gene One's future. Should Gene One execute of strategy of constancy and continuity Will this type of strategy keep Gene One's competitors from gaining ground on Gene One's share of the market place over the next several years After careful consideration of these perplexing questions, the leadership of Gene One has decided an alternate strategy, as Gene One has not achieved all that they have by continuity alone. Gene One has taken risks that were founded on sound strategy and faith that intelligent men and women with innovative ideas and unsurpassed drive and passion cannot be stopped. These type of people are winners and they accomplish their goals. These factors set the stage for constantly evolving ideas that provided multiple benefits that were accomplished in record time. Seldom has this type of success been achieved in the biotech industry which is considered a risky bu siness in some cases. That said, the Gene One leadership has decided that Gene One must be given an opportunity to experience its maximum growth potential before some piggy back organization with lucrative investors siphon off strategic market areas previously held by Gene One. As with any strategy, there are risks involved. ... As with any strategy, there are risks involved. However, due to Gene One's financial stability, strong leadership and growth potential, these risks are just obstacle that can be turned into positive opportunities. Please note the following: Economic Packages (founders of Gene One, board members and essential personnel) While IPO capital is of extreme importance concerning Gene One's preparations to go public, this topic can not be considered if it does not include job security and economic packages that reward the founders, board members and essential personnel at Gene One for their contributions that have led to the meteoric rise of Gene One over an eight-year timeframe. This is not a difficult problem to solve due to the strategy that will restructure and diversify Gene One while maintaining its technological and competitive edge over the competition. IPO Capital The following is a brief bio of Charles Jones, Gene One's marketing officer: "Two years after Gene Ones's start-up, Don Ruiz, Chief Executive Officer for Gene One, recruited 35-year-old Charles because of his reputation for "smart" risk taking and his biotechnology connections. Don saw him as the perfect person to develop and implement Gene One marketing strategy. Self-confident and moral, Charles easily garners trust for himself and the company." Ruiz, Gene One Company Overview Report Gene One 4 The Gene One leadership feels that while Charles is limited in his abilities to personally design and implement a marketing infrastructure, his overall talents and track record suggests that

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Communication Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Communication Management - Essay Example This creates strong discontent with the job as well as disengages the employee from the functional aspect of the job. Secondly, employee's who have access to information of interest about the organization are able to give more informed inputs about the job and functionality. Lack of resource access "could lead to frustration and lack of motivation and ultimately failure" (Kaliprasad 2006, p. 22). These issues in communication are directly related to Hobby's mission, core values and culture as a top-end model manufacturer. The company's mission statement is well known as being "smaller but better." To this, we must ask ourselves how we can develop better communication and gain an entrepreneurial spirit that encourages taking the initiative to produce changes. The proposed change is entering the electronic market, which traditionalists in the company are concerned with as it may directly affect who we are as a company. There is no doubt that employees follow Hobby because they trust our leadership. It is now time that Hobby enter into a communication initiative in preparation for entering differing global (and electronic) markets. As a large firm, however, Hobby is often imbued with strategic processes and policies disseminated from a formal planning system (Pearce and Robinson 2004). Hobby has traditionally held high employee morale but is currently faced with low production and changes should be approached by open communication. In this, the "ideal strategic management team includes decision-makers from all three company levels (the corporate, business, and functional)" (Pearce and Robinson 2004, p. 15). For example, some Canadian firms have implemented an every employee is a leader program, where all employees have equal and viable inputs towards the organization (Noe et al 2002). As leadership incorporates communication into the organization to allow employees too openly and without fear of retribution deliver questions, concerns and ideas, the value of leadership increases. Employee's commitment and trust towards the organization's leaders grow as their voices are heard (Noe et al 2002). The

Communication Techniques Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Communication Techniques - Personal Statement Example When we grow older, I have learned to tailor my conversation with her according to her preferences and made her understand my ideas through elaboration. Through this openness to new communication techniques anchored in responding according to my sister's requirements, I was able to build a harmonious relationship. My experience in studying sign language strengthened my determination to choose communication as a major. Sign language classes exposed me to the hardships and needs of people who are disabled. I used to pity them knowing that they do not have avenue where they can truly express themselves. However, it also challenged me to make a difference in communication as I am able and free to communicate my ideas. When I was young, I have developed an interest in communication through mass media especially during the nights when I watch documentaries with my father. It opened my eyes on social issues which typical people ignore. Having the chance to explore this field, I choose to become an intern at a Korean news station (KEMS) within the past six months. My first assignment was to report on the animal festival' in downtown San Jose through capturing two interviews on my camera. I was initially nervous but find it rewarding to see my work aired on the television. Man is a social being and communication is as old as man himself.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Technology and Disadvantages Essay Example for Free

Technology and Disadvantages Essay It is quite impossible to think of a life without technologies and gadgets. Technology can be defined as a process with the help of which human beings modify nature in order to meet their growing needs. Technology leads to innovations and inventions and one such invention is gadgets. There are so many varieties of gadgets that are designed to suit human needs. But the questions is, are there only advantages or there are disadvantages as well. This article discusses the advantages and disadvantages of using new gadgets and technologies. Advantages of technologies and gadgets: The advantages of new technologies and gadgets are discussed in the following lines. 1. Higher profit: New technologies can benefit your business in a number of ways. You can get higher profits as new technologies increase work efficiency, which in turn, increases productivity. Moreover, fewer work forces are needed as new technologies can automate the work thus reducing the costs more. 2. Fast access to information: You can get quick access to information with the help of computer and internet, two of the most popular technology and gadget in the present times. The ‘search engines’ on the internet help you find information on any topic that you’re looking for. see more:technology makes us lazy 3. Increases communication: Gone are those days when you had to write letters in order to communicate with people staying far away. Nowadays, you can send e-mails and you get the reply within minutes. Moreover, you can also take help of ‘chat rooms’ to meet new people as well as to stay in touch with your old friends. 4. Speed up work: There are so many gadgets that help to speed up work. Right from household chores to office work, there are gadgets with the help of which you can increase your work efficiency. It helps you to do quite a number of things in relatively less time. Disadvantages of technologies and gadgets: The disadvantages of new technologies and gadgets are discussed below – 1. Online fraud: When you use internet for online transactions, there is always a possibility of being a victim of online fraud. As for example, impostors may steal your credit card information and use them for their own monetary gain. 2. Dependency on gadgets: People are becoming mechanical as they are getting more and dependent on gadgets. Nowadays, human beings cannot do a simple work without taking help of a gadget. 3. Integrating new technology: It is often difficult to take a business related decision about whether to buy the latest technology or wait for some new invention. Moreover, implementing new technology in a business can be quite expensive; therefore, you need to decide whether or not you actually need it. Above all, integrating a new technology in a business is quite a difficult task in itself. 4. Technology related diseases: Human beings are becoming addicted to the new technologies and gadgets, especially, internet and computers. Moreover, young people are getting more and more addicted to mobile phones. Many scientists believe that radiation from mobile phones may cause blurring vision, headaches and earaches and may be the reason of cancer, too. Therefore, it can be concluded that there are both advantages and disadvantages of using new technologies and gadgets and it depends on mankind how they want to use them. About the Author - Rodney Gordon has been working as a contributing author on various topics like- technologies and gadgets, arts and culture, search engine marketing, business and finance, education, entertainment, Internet, sports and leisure for about two years. n the current time people cant imagine their life without technology. Surrounding us various technologies are helping people to live their life with more luxury. The technology sector has changed and developed many products. The technology is providing many advantages but also it has some disadvantages. Here we will discuss about both. Advantages There are several advantages of technology like Easier life With technological machine people are getting help in every sector. Cars and bikes are helping people to reach anywhere quickly. Airplane and superfast trains have been reduced distance between cities and countries. Computer and internet are providing information in simplest way also it has changed way of communication. Now people are doing video conferencing and chatting to communicate with their friends and family used communication technology. Lesser Mistakes Machines are helping people to make lesser mistakes. Robots or machines are working accurately and you just need to program them with proper information. Like in production of any automotive most of manufacturing companies are using automatic machines which follow instruction of computer or that person who is operating the machine. And all work gets done perfectly. Save Time Technologies are saving our time, for an example you can flew anywhere in the world in lesser time. With computer you can do any work in lesser time and also it help to enhance quality and provide suggestions. Machines are helping people in kitchen too like Oven and these are also saving time. Disadvantages Every one knows that technology is very helpful but it has some disadvantages too. Because many companies have adopted automatic machines so that they can improve their production with accuracy. As a result many people lost their job. Similarly house maids are loosing their job because robotic machines are doing their job. Owner need to pay one time only while maid get paid for every month. However machines and robots look inexpensive and good to use but, when any technical problem occurs in machine or robot, it took much time to fix it and also it can be expensive. - As we found that in technology sector, there are many advantages and disadvantages, even then people cant imagine their life without technology including me. What are the advantage and disadvantages of technology in our daily lives? Answer: Simple Question. Simple Answer. The Advantage is really convenience think about it, how convenient is it to whack on the TV in the morning, see whats happening around the world, then 20 minutes later go on your computer and have and have a twitter session, and read all your emails from friends around the world. - The Disadvantage is that technology is dominating everything. Soon posting mail would be a thing of the past. CNC machines (robots) would take over peoples jobs in making things, etc. Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology The development and spread of various technologies has become synonymous with the level of prosperity in a particular place. In economics, technology is one of the major factors that determine the growth and potential in the production process. It is also a basis for distinguishing between developed and developing countries and the advancement of technology is considered an essential factor to a country’s progress. The importance of technology in the world today cannot be stressed upon enough, which leads us to a discussion on the advantages and disadvantages of technology. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines technology as the practical application of knowledge especially in a particular area such as engineering or medicine. A more comprehensive view of this concept can be grasped from the Wiki definition of technology – â€Å"the making, usage, and knowledge of tools, machines, techniques, crafts, systems or methods of organization in order to solve a problem or perform a specific function†. Ever since pre historic times, humans have been applying their knowledge in ways that would make life easier for mankind as a whole. We have come a long way since the discovery of fire and invention of the wheel, and there is no stopping the advance of the technological age. It has permeated every aspect of our lives from the alarm clock that wakes us up in the morning to toaster ovens and nuclear reactors. The advantages and disadvantages of technology are of great relevance due to the huge role that technology plays in our lives today. Technology and Economics Noted economists such as Adam Smith and Schumpeter have recognised the great significance of technology in the development of nations and creation of business cycles. The Schumpeterian school of thought which advocates the theory of â€Å"creative destruction† stresses on the importance of innovation and technological advances in bringing about the end of the old ways and creating a new phase or business cycle in the economy. Keynesian economics also involves concepts of production per worker and total production levels in an economy, both of which are mainly affected by the technological prowess of the nation. It contributes in increasing the GDP of a nation which is well reflected in the high GDPs of developed countries which have access to the best technologies globally. The manufacturing (secondary sector) and service sectors (tertiary sector) are dependent completely on the technological progress of a nation. Although primary sectors of the economy like agriculture and an imal husbandry did not require a highly developed technological base, they are now accepting newer and better technologies which help in improving output. The efficiency and ease provided by technological innovations as simple as calculators to complex super fast computers, has made business transactions and cross continent interaction much easier and faster. These developments have completely changed the dynamics of business and manufacturing units. Multinational companies are sprouting up by the dozen due to the new possibilities made available by technological advancements. The quality of the entire manufacturing sector, which forms the backbone of the infrastructural and production units of an economy, is determined by the amount of technological knowledge available to the producers. This has been recognised by leading companies the world over who are constantly dedicating a larger portion of their funds to RD. Thus it is clear that the advantages and disadvantages of technology in this respect are quite one sided. The economic benefits of technology far outweigh any drawbacks. Technology has and will continue to play a significant role in spurring growth in economies. Technology and Culture The advent of new innovative products in our daily lives has redefined our cultures to a large extent. Hunting, riding and fishing as means of entertainment have given way to play stations, television and movie theatres. Almost every outdoor experience such as riding on horseback, swimming or jogging can now be replicated in the environ of our homes by a variety of gadgets and technologies. All in all, people today have adopted a more sedentary lifestyle thanks to the convenience provided by technological innovations. With a new iPad or computer operating system being developed every two months, people have enough to keep them occupied both in terms of work and leisure. Other aspects of our cultural lives such as communication and transportation have progressed to an extent that the world seems a much smaller place. Transatlantic journeys that would’ve taken several months to complete a century ago can now be covered in a matter of a few hours by air travel. These advantages o f technology are quite evident to us and it would be difficult to imagine life without them today. Advantages of smart technology are also prevalent in educational institutions and among students. For example use of laptop, desktop computers, iPad also prove beneficial to the students in their studies in many ways. Computer and net technology is a source of great wealth of knowledge. However, there are some seriously dangerous trends that have emerged due to the advancement of technology. Children spend increasingly more time watching television, playing video games or surfing the internet. Social networking sites, the newest phenomenon to hit online users, have claimed a significant number of victims, both young and old, who spend a large chunk of their time and energy on these sites. People find it easier to take shortcuts, for instance, university students can easily purchase services of writers who finish reports, assignments and even theses for a small fee. Thus in some ways procrastination and sedentary lifestyles are fast becoming popular among new generations. Technology and Society Technology has even changed the face of our societal norms and lifestyles today. Quality of life, especially in health and science, has been impacted quite strongly by the advent of the technological era. The increasing electrification, urbanisation, connectivity and closeness observed in different regions of the world have given a new dimension to standard of living. Healthcare has advanced fast due to the development of life saving drugs, eradication of numerous diseases, availability of cheap medicines etc which increases life expectancy and provides overall high standards of living. Advancements in science and technology as discussed earlier have altered various aspects of our lives making them indispensable. On the other hand problems like pollution, rising population, increased waste generation and destruction of wildlife which have emerged as direct consequences of technological advancements, put great pressure on the earth’s resources. These need to be dealt with carefully in order to have sustainable development. Resources need to be conserved for the benefit of future generations and currently one of the biggest disadvantages of technological progress is that it causes heightened resource usage. What does this all means ? Thus the advantages and disadvantages of technology are numerous and varied, but need to be observed carefully in order to utilise this knowledge advantageously. Technology has been a great boon to mankind but at the same time we must not be ignorant of the drawbacks generated by some of these developments. Many amazing strides in technology have been made since the beginning of civilization, and more are certain to be on the horizon. - Disadvantage Of Technology In Our Lives Question:advantage and disadvantage of modern technology in our lives Answers:Hello ! These are some disadvantages of technology : We always must be ready to receive company, we can hardly be really alone, we are always connected, As we can have every informations easily from home, we dont go to library, or we dont search what we want in shops, so we dont meet new people, It makes relationship very unpersonal, We have no choice but to buy cellular phones nowadays, even if its expensive, If want to be in the movement, you must have a mp3, etc Bye Answers:Advantage technology makes our lives easier Disadvantage Uses up natural resources at an unsustainable rate, degrades the natural environment Answers:The advantages: 1. Make our life simpler. 2. It helps us to organize our daily activities. 3. Our job can be done faster. 4. Easier to communicate with other people. 5. Helps us to know and understand other culture and society better. (and lots more) The disadvantages: 1. Can be e asily manipulated by irresponsible persons. 2. Well be too dependant on it. When technology fails, we r helpless (in one way or another). 3. Sometimes, it affects our health and lifestyles(well be complacent and lazy. The chemicals r hazardous). 4. It destroys our simple and healthy life(I miss the traditional style of living). 5. Invasion of our privacy. (and lots more) Question:What is tchnology ; its advantage and disadvantages in our modern living? Answers:Technology is the application of scientific advances to benefit humanity. There are many advantages and disadvantages if you think about it. For example, it is advantageous while allowing us to simplify and automate production, such as robotic car manufacturing. On the other hand, it can be disadvantageous once we start depending on the advancements. Also, think of all the jobs people have lost after being replaced by a machine Advantages and Disadvantages of Living in a Convent :Hi, Im Sister Norma Raupple from the Ursuline Sisters of Youngstown Todays Question is: What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in a Convent? A convent is a house where a group of Sisters share their lives and their space with each other. There is a chapel in the central part of the house because our relationship with God is the center of our lives. The convent where I live is in Cnfield, Ohio where there are 30 of us Ursuline Sisters living together. I see many more advantages for living in a convent than disadvantages: I have a spacious private room which looks out on the woods. I often enjoy the sunrise from my window. At the same time, I enjoy the presence and interactionof other women of faith women of all ages. Their support and encouragement helps me to maintain a healthy, happy life. Our life style is simple and fulfilling as we gather for prayer and Eucharist and spend time together when we are not engaged in ministry. At times, I experience the schedule as a disadvantage. For example, the individual sister does not choose the schedule for prayer and meals. The schedule is determined by everyone talking together and deciding what is best for the group life.